Official Dragon Dice FAQ and Rules Clarifications (C)1996 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute the information contained in this document is granted as long as this header is included. Based on the original FAQ by Vinny Salzillo and Double Exposure, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this document should be taken as an extension of the rules booklet contained in the Dragon Dice boxed set. Its purpose is to supplement the rules booklet by clarifying the most confusing parts of the game. This document will be updated on a regular basis as new questions are asked and new rules clarifications are necessary. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Two - Magic (v1.44) New in this version: Black Magic Doubling Exclusion Reminder Revised Magical Movement Rules Resurrection Spell Timing Clarification (see Breath of Life) Revised Ash Storm/Palsy Penalties ***GENERAL RULES A) If the Magic symbol is showing on the terrain die of your acting army after your maneuver phase (or your lack of one if you choose not to take it), you MUST roll Magic if you want to take an action. You can choose not to take an action as per normal rules, however. If you are in possession of the eighth face of a terrain die (hence it is on its eighth face), you may choose to take a magic action. B) You may take a magic action EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO MAGE DICE. Face icons will count as magic points and will still get a terrain bonus. C) Your opponent has NO COUNTERATTACK for a magic action, even if all of your magic is focused on an opposing army at the same terrain. D) The effect of doubling magic due to a terrain bonus or because of buried units only comes WHILE SPELLS ARE BEING CAST. Because of this, the magic is not considered to be doubled (and, for example, units are not buried) unless the magic is actually cast. So while you are under no obligation to double magic, or even to use the points rolled without doubling, you CAN NOT bury dead units unless black magic is actually used. E) You MUST spend all of the points and allocate all of your spells to targets before any of them take effect. Any spell points left over after any effect has taken place are LOST. F) All magic which is cast from a single magic action will happen SIMULTANEOUSLY. All magic which is directed at each single source will arrive there SIMULTANEOUSLY. EXAMPLE: During a magic action, an army is targeted by Hailstorms while one of units is targeted by a Lightning Strike. Since the rolls are simultaneous, the unit may still roll for saves against the Hailstorm with the rest of the army, even if it is killed by the Lightning Strike. G) Terrain color bonuses are ALWAYS taken into account last, since they double the actual points spent, not the points rolled. All units have the ability to cast two colors of magic (exception: Dragonmaster promotional units). You choose which color each is going to cast BEFORE any terrain bonuses are applied. If there are any penalties or bonuses cast on the army or the terrain, they are taken out of the ICON RESULTS, not the magic choice. EXAMPLE: Let's say you have rolled 4 gold/red and 4 blue/green, and you are at coastland, and you have a -4 penalty to your roll. FIRST, you decide where the the penalty will go. You can choose 2 from each of the 4 icons, or 4 of either set of icons, etc. THEN you decide which color any given magic will be. You might end up with 4 blue, or 4 green, or 4 gold, or 4 red (after the penalty), or you might end up with a combination of any of these. FINALLY, you apply the bonus of the coastland terrain ONLY to the colors which it affects. So if you chose 4 blue, you now have 8 blue. If you chose 4 green, you now have 8 green. If you chose 2 of each, you now have 4 green and 4 blue. If you chose red or gold, you get NO terrain bonus. H) Cantrip icons rolled during a magic action count as normal magic and CAN be doubled by a terrain advantage. I) Black magic NEVER gets a terrain bonus. If there are no units in ANY dead pool, the black magic CANNOT be doubled.The caster may NOT bury more units than the actual number of points he/she has rolled. J) In order to successfully double black magic, units MUST ACTUALLY BE BURIED!!! EXAMPLE: A caster who has a three-point unit in his/her dead unit area may not double just 2 points of black magic, hence leaving his three-point unit unharmed. The effect of this would be NO extra points of black magic. The caster must bury ALL THREE POINTS of the three-point unit, hence burying the unit and doubling three points of black magic. In this same situation, if the caster has 2 points of black magic and throughout the game, there are no units OTHER than three-point units in ANY dead unit area, the caster CANNOT double any black magic. K) Assuming there are legal units to be buried by the action mentioned above, a player who is targeted for the loss is under the same obligation to bury units as he/she is to apply damage from a combat. EXAMPLE: If a player is targeted for 1 point of buried health units (to double one point of black magic), and that player has a one-health unit and a three-health unit unit in his/her dead unit area, he/she MUST bury the one-health unit unit (he/she cannot decide to apply the point to the three-health unit , hence having no effect). Also, if the same player is targeted for 3 points of buried health units, he/she MUST bury the three-point unit, leaving the one-point unit alone (he/she cannot decide to apply 1 point to the one-point unit and 2 points to the three-point unit, hence having no effect on the three-point unit). Players who are targeted for a loss only have a choice when there is more than one LEGAL way to bury units. L) During a magic action, ONLY ONE PLAYER CAN BE TARGETED for burying units though doubling death magic. M) A reserve army magic action may NEVER result in doubled points. This ALSO means that black magic CANNOT be doubled from a reserve army. N) Points spent on multiple castings of the same spell are always spent at the same time. Most (but not all) spells which have been cast multiple times from the same roll are considered to be more powerful versions of the same spell. EXAMPLE: Two Hailstorms cast by the same roll result in the target army taking 2 points of damage and making ONE saving throw, NOT taking 1 point twice (hence having two saving throws). O) Spells with a duration (Stoneskin, Transmute Rock to Mud) only affect a given army while that army is in its present location. EXAMPLE: If your army while in reserve casts Stoneskin on itself, then moves to a terrain in the reserve step, the Stoneskins are removed. ***EARTH: GOLD MAGIC 1) Stoneskin (2 points): Add one automatic save to ANY target army until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) This spell applies to an entire ARMY only. You may target any army in the game, including opponents (for example, in a multiplayer game). B) Multiple castings at the same time are cumulative. If you cast 3 Stoneskins on an army, that army has a +3 save. Future castings will ADD to the bonus, even if cast from a different player. The cumulative effect is, of course, only during the overlap period of the duration of the individual spells. C) Note that this spell applies to the RESULT, not to the ROLL. All other modifiers to the ROLL will come first, BEFORE this or any other RESULT modifier are applied. EXAMPLE: Let's take an army which is FROSTED (from the breath of a green dragon), and is taking 6 hits from a melee. The army has 3 Stoneskins cast on it. The army rolls 7 saves. FIRST you would halve the result for the frost, for a result of 3 (rounded DOWN). THEN you would add the 3 points for the Stoneskins, for a final result of *6*. If you had done it the other way around, you would have ended up with the incorrect result of 5 (10 halved). D) Any automatic saves which are in effect from this spell will protect the army if it charges, even though it cannot roll for saves. E) Just like other spells which affect an ARMY, this spell does NOT protect an individual UNIT in the army if it is the target of a Lightning Strike, Finger of Death, Turn to Stone (gold dragon breath) or Flame (red dragon breath). F) Stoneskin DOES affect the saving roll vs. dragon claws, jaws and tail, as well as the saving roll in response to a Hailstorm spell. Note the dragon attacks immediately after the duration of any spells which you have cast on yourself have ended (assuming they last until the beginning of your "next turn"). 2) Dust to Dust (3 points): Choose one health worth of any player's dead units to be buried. A) This spell is applied to UNITS, not to players. You may target any units you want in any player's dead unit area. The target player gets no choice. B) Multiple castings at the same time are cumulative. You may bury a three-unit units by casting 3 Dust to Dust spells simultaneously. C) There is no "damage" from Dust to Dust. If you do not have enough spell points to bury a large unit, you cannot wound it and add to the damage later. To bury a two or three point unit, you must cast 2 or 3 Dust to Dust spells, respectively. D) You may choose multiple units from multiple players during the same magic action. EXAMPLE: If you apply 9 gold magic points to Dust to Dust spells, for you may bury a one-point unit from player A and a two-point unit from player B. E) Dust to Dust can not bury a dragon, even though it is kept in players' dead unit areas. Dragons are not "units". 3) Path (4 points): Immediately move one of YOUR units (any size) from one terrain to another. A) Path can ONLY be used to move one of YOUR army units. It cannot move an opponent's unit. B) You may NOT move a dragon with this spell. C) You may not move units into or out of your reserves (but if the spell is cast in reserves, it may affect a unit at a terrain, allowing them to move to another terrain). D) You may not move units into or out of your dead unit area. E) You CAN move units to a terrain where you currently have NO units. Any units moved to this terrain form a new army. If this new army is alone at a terrain die which is currently turned to the eighth face, the new army immediately gains possession of the die. F) When multiple Path spells are cast from the same magic action, all units move SIMULTANEOUSLY. You may move multiple dice to the same terrain, or to different terrains. G) There is no range rule for the Path spell. You may move units from any terrain in the game to any other terrain in the game. H) Units which have moved via a Path spell can roll again during a player's turn if they attach to an army which will take an action during the second march. There is no restriction on how many times an individual unit can roll when given the chance; the restriction applies to whole armies. 4) Transmute Rock to Mud (5 points): Subtract six from the maneuver rolls of ANY target army until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) You may apply this spell to any army in the game, including your own. It MUST affect an ARMY; it does NOT affect a TERRAIN. B) You may apply this spell to a reserve army. C) Multiple castings of this spell are cumulative, whether they are cast simultaneously or at different times. If two different players cast this spell on the same army, the effect is cumulative during the overlap period. D) The penalty from this spell applies to the ACTUAL rolls, BEFORE any other bonuses. EXAMPLE: A dwarf army in Highland rolls 7 maneuvers with a single Transmute Rock to Mud spell cast on it. FIRST you subtract 6 from the roll (making the net result of the roll a single point), and THEN you double the results (making the result of the roll *2*). E) This spell, like SOME other spells which affect maneuvers (see below), applies to maneuver rolls which will count as saves for Coral Elves in Coastland and Lava Elves in Highland. FIRST you subtract the six from any maneuver icons rolled, and THEN you apply the remainder to the saves which were rolled. F) This spell, like SOME other spells which affect maneuver (see below), applies to the maneuver results rolled during a charge. EXAMPLE: A Dwarf army in the Highlands charges while under the effect of a Transmute Rock to Mud. It rolls 6 hits and 8 maneuver icons. FIRST you subtract 6 from the maneuvers. Then double the roll of the Dwarf units. Finally, add that total to the number of hits. The final result is *10*. G) The exact effect of Wind Walk if combined with Transmute Rock to Mud is as follows: FIRST you apply the effect(s) of Transmute Rock to Mud ON THE ROLL ITSELF, and THEN you apply the Wind Walk. Wind Walks, unlike Transmute Rock to Mud, affect the result, not the roll (and are best added in as the final effect). EXAMPLE: In the above example of our Dwarf army in Highland, if the army rolls 7 maneuvers, FIRST you subtract 6 from the roll (making the net result of a single point). The roll of the Dwarf units is then doubled for the Highland bonus. Finally, you add 6 to the result for the Wind Walk. The total result is *8*. H) The exact effect of Wall of Fog, if it is combined with Transmute Rock to Mud, is as follows: FIRST you apply the effect(s) of Transmute Rock to Mud, then you halve the result for Wall of Fog (note that Wall of Fog can not be cast multiple times on the same army). EXAMPLE: If our same dwarf army in Highland rolls 9 maneuver points, and the army has both a Transmute Rock to Mud AND a Wall of Fog cast on it, FIRST you subtract 6, for a result of 3. THEN you apply the Wall of Fog, for a result of 1 (you round DOWN for the Wall of Fog spell). FINALLY, you double the result for the Highland bonus, for a total result of *2*. EXAMPLE: The exact effect of the combination of Transmute Rock to Mud, Wind Walk and Wall of Fog, when cast on our poor dwarf army is as follows: The dwarf army at Highland rolls 9 maneuver points. FIRST you subtract 6 for the Transmute Rock to Mud. This gives you a 3. THEN you halve the result for the Wall of Fog. This gives you a 1 (rounded down). Apply the terrain bonus for the Dwarf units. This gives you a result of 2. Finally, add the effect of the Wind Walk, giving you a final result of *7*. Note that if you had just made the Transmute Rock to Mud and the Windwalk cancel each other out (which is not correct; see point G above), the result would have instead been *8*. I) This spell is in effect when an army is rolling for maneuvers in response to a Flash Flood spell. 5) Summon Gold Dragon (7 points): Send a gold dragon to any terrain. A) This spell can only be cast if there is a gold dragon in the game. B) This spell applies to any gold dragon in the game, EVEN IF IT IS ALREADY SUMMONED. You may move a gold dragon from one terrain to another with this spell. C) You may wrest control of a dragon from a Dragonlord or Dragonmaster by summoning it away, or by resummoning it to the same terrain (where it will attack the army containing the Dragonlord or Dragonmaster like any other uncontrolled dragon). D) You may NOT move a gold dragon to a reserve army or to a dead unit area. You may NOT retract a gold dragon with this spell back to your dead unit area. Once a gold dragon arrives in play, the only way to bring it back to the owning player's dead unit area is to KILL IT or wait for it to FLY AWAY. ***AIR: BLUE MAGIC 1) Hailstorm (2 points): Inflict one hit on ANY target army. It MAY roll saves. A) You CAN NOT target one of YOUR armies. B) An opponent's army which is targeted by this spell has the OPTION of rolling saves. C) An army which is hit by a Hailstorm CAN NOT ROUT under any circumstances, even if it is at the same terrain as the casting army. D) The player whose army is targeted may choose which units are hit. The same rules which govern the choice of units in response to melee or missile hits applies here. The targeted player MUST remove applicable units in response to the number of unsaved hits done, and may not apply the damage only to units which will not be affected unless there is no other option. E) When multiple Hailstorm spells are cast from the same magic action, they are CUMULATIVE, and all hit simultaneously. They may be applied to a single army or multiple armies. If applied to a single army, that army has ONLY ONE saving roll, which will be applied to all incoming Hailstorms. F) Hailstorms do NOT wound units. If cast by two different armies in the same turn, they will have two separate effects, and will invoke two separate saving rolls. 2) Breath of Life (3 points): Restore one health worth of YOUR units from death to the casting army. A) Breath of Life DOES NOT APPLY to units which have been buried. Only units which are in the casting player's dead unit area may be brought to life in this fashion. B) Breath of Life may ONLY be used to bring units from the CASTING player's dead unit area. It cannot target other players' units. C) When multiple Breath of Life spells are cast from the same magic action, they are CUMULATIVE, and they are and may resurrect that number of points in dead units. For example, 4 Breath of Life points (costing twelve points of magic) can be used to resurrect a three-point unit and a one-point unit, or 2 two-point units, etc. D) Breath of Life CAN NOT bring a dragon into the game. Dragons are NOT considered units, even when they are in the dead unit area. E) Breath of Life CAN NOT be used to promote units. F) Units which are brought back to life with this spell MUST be added to the army from which the spell was cast. If the spell is cast from the reserve army, the dead units which were brought back to life immediately go to the reserve army. Note that they can then be moved to another army during the Reinforce action of the player's turn. G) Breath of Life is NOT cumulative across a turn. For example, you may not cast two points of Breath of Life with one army and one point of Breath of Life with another army in order to resurrect a three-point unit. You may only combine Breath of Life points if they were cast simultaneously. H) Units which are brought back to life with this spell DO NOT count in the current roll and as such DO NOT immediately roll to include their results in the current roll. (Exception: units brought back to life via a Cantrip DO count in the current roll, and DO immediately roll to include their results in the current roll.) 3) Lightning Strike (4 points): Inflict five hits on ANY target die. Target die MAY roll saves. (Dragon target is destroyed if it rolls belly up.) (Multiple strikes on a single unit are resolved one at a time.) A) This is one of the few spells which is NOT cumulative. By using 8 points of blue magic to cast two lightning strikes against a single die, you are NOT doing 10 points of damage. You are hitting the die for 5 points twice, and it gets two rolls for saves. Note that the effect of the first strike has no bearing on the effect of the second strike. For example, if you target a three-point unit, and it rolls 4 saves during the first strike, it begins the second strike with ALL THREE HIT POINTS, even if the two strikes were cast during the same magic action. B) Bonuses or penalties which affect the entire army or terrain DO NOT apply to the saving roll of the target die. These include Ash Storm and Stoneskin. HOWEVER, terrain bonuses DO apply, and maneuvers rolled count as saves for the Coral Elves and Lava Elves. Also, Frost (green dragon breath) halves the saving roll of the target die. C) If a Lightning Strike targets a dragon, the dragon rolls a save. Only if the Belly is rolled is the dragon slain. 4) Wind Walk (5 points): ANY target army gains six automatic maneuver results until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) Wind Walk affects are best adjudicated so that they occur ABSOLUTELY last. The spell adds six maneuver results which cannot be doubled by terrain, count as saves, etc. A) See "Transmute Rock to Mud" for the specifics of how this spell interacts with the other maneuver spells. Note that this spell affects the RESULTS, not the ROLL. ALWAYS consider the effect of a Wind Walk last. B) This spell, UNLIKE other spells which affect maneuvers (see above), does NOT apply to maneuver rolls which will count as saves for Coral Elves in Coastland and Lava Elves in Highland. During a roll for saves, the Wind Walk spell does NOT assist armies of Lava or Coral Elves. C) This spell, UNLIKE other spells which affect maneuvers (see above), does NOT apply to maneuver rolls which will count as hits during a charge. During a charge, the Wind Walk spell does NOT assist attacking armies. D) Wind Walk CAN target a reserve army (although there is no reason to want to do this with the current elements in the game). E) Multiple castings of this spell are cumulative, whether they are cast simultaneously or at different times. If two different players cast this spell on the same army, the effect is cumulative during the overlap period. 5) Summon Blue Dragon (7 points): Send a blue dragon to any terrain. A) See the rules for Gold Dragons. ***FIRE: RED MAGIC 1) Ash Storm (2 points): Subtract one from all armies' rolls at the target terrain until YOUR next turn. A) Ash Storm cannot be cast at a player's reserves. B) Ash Storm affects an entire terrain, including your units if you have an army there. C) Multiple castings of this spell are cumulative, whether they are cast simultaneously or at different times. if two different players cast this spell on the same terrain, the effect is cumulative during the overlap period. D) Note that Ash Storm affects the ROLL, not the result. EXAMPLE: An army of Dwarves rolling for maneuvers while in the Highland where 3 3 Ash Storms have been cast in rolls 5 maneuvers, FIRST the 3 Ash Storms would be subtracted, and THEN the 2 remaining saves maneuvers would be doubled for a total of 4. E) Each Ash Storm subtracts one point from the armies' roll. Against units of more than one health, the Ash Storm may remove only a portion of the unit's effect if it rolls its ID icon. EXAMPLE: A lone 3-health-unit rolls its ID icon while under the effect of a single Ash Storm. Two points of effect are still generated. F) If you are rolling an army and the result has multiple icons, YOU choose which form of result (melee, saves, maneuvers, etc) is to be subtracted from the total roll. EXAMPLE: The Dwarf army at Highlands has 3 Ash Storms. Assume they are being charged by an opponent, and make a roll. They roll 4 cantrips, 3 saves, 2 face icons and 4 axes (attacks). The player of these dwarves can now choose where the Ash Storms are to be applied, since they are subtracted from the ROLL as a whole. Note also that they are subtracted from the roll BEFORE any other modifiers take effect. So the player first would use his cantrips, but he/she CAN NOT choose to apply the 3 Ash Storms here (since cantrips are a special action icon). He/she could to subtract all 3 saves, inflicting maximum damage on the charging army, or he/she can choose to them from his melee rolls, etc. G) Routs CAN NOT be avoided through the use of Ash Storm or Palsy penalties. H) You can, however, choose which race of units to subtract the effect. EXAMPLE: When maneuvering in the Highland, a mixed army of Coral Elves and Dwarves is affected by 3 Ash Storms. The Coral Elf units roll 5 maneuver icons, and the Dwarf units roll 3 maneuver icons. You can choose to subtract the 3 Ash Storms from the Elf units, allowing you to double the Dwarf results, for a final result of *8*. 2) Spark of Life (3 points): Restore one health worth of dead to the casting army. A) See "Breath of Life" (Air:Blue Spell) for a complete analysis of this identical spell. 3) Burning Hands (4 points): Double one unit's melee results until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) Burning Hands is a spell which affects A SINGLE UNIT, not an army. It CAN NOT be cast multiple times on the same unit. If several Burning Hands spells are cast at the same time, they can be applied to multiple units on the table. B) Burning Hands can affect any unit in the game, including those in reserve armies, but they cannot affect units which are in the dead unit area. C) In this case, Burning Hands applies to the RESULTS of an individual unit. Since individual units are taken into account before the army as a whole, the term is a bit of a misnomer. The spell actually affects the roll of the individual unit before any other modifiers are applied. EXAMPLE: Let's take an army which is rolling for a melee; one of its three-point unit has a Burning Hands on it, and the terrain has 3 Ash Storms on it. The unit with the Burning Hands spell rolls 4 melee hits. FIRST we double those hits, for a total result from that unit of 8 melee hits (you treat it as if the unit had actually rolled 8 icons). THEN we can subtract the 3 Ash Storms from the total roll of the army (including the roll of that super unit). The net result would be 5 hits from that unit plus whatever else the army has rolled. D) Burning Hands NEVER affects saving rolls. BUT it DOES affect retaliation hits from a defending army in either a skirmish or a charge. In the case of a charge, if the defending army rolls a face icon from a unit with a Burning Hands spell, the player can choose that icon to be either saves or double melee hits. E) Burning Hands NEVER affects missile attacks. F) Burning Hands CAN NOT be cast on dragons (since dragons are NOT units). G) If the target unit is moved by either a PATH spell or a reserve action, the Burning Hands bonus will follow that unit wherever it goes until the spell expires. 4) Dancing Lights (5 points): ANY target army's missiles and magic results are halved until the beginning of YOUR next turn. (Multiple castings affect multiple armies.) A) This is another spell which cannot be multiplied. Multiple castings on the same army have NO further effect, other than possibly extending duration if multiple players cast the spell. B) Results are always rounded DOWN. If the army which has a Dancing Lights on it rolls 9 missile hits, the result becomes 4. C) This spell does NOT affect cantrips since they are special action icons. D) Dancing Lights affects RESULTS, not ROLLS. E) If Dancing Lights is affecting an army which can benefit from the doubling of magic at a certain terrain, the doubling of magic is the LAST effect to take into account (since it is assumed that you are doubling SPENT magic points). EXAMPLE: An army rolls 9 magic points, with a Dancing Lights on it, FIRST you would halve it, rounding down as shown above. The new result would be 4. THEN you would double the magic for terrain color, if applicable, for a maximum magic production of *8* points. F) Dancing Lights DOES NOT affect Bullseye icons since they are special action icons. 5) Summon Red Dragon (7 points): Send a red dragon to any terrain. A) See the rules for Gold Dragons. ***WATER: GREEN MAGIC 1) Watery Double (2 points): Give ONE automatic save to any target army until the END of YOUR NEXT turn. A) See "Stoneskin" (Earth:Gold) for a complete analysis of this identical spell (note: the only difference is the time that the spell expires.) 2) Wall of Ice (3 points): Give any army three automatic saves until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) See "Stoneskin" (Earth:Gold) for a complete analysis of this identical spell (note: the only difference is the amount of saves applied for the casting cost). 3) Wall of Fog (4 points): Halve (rounding down) all maneuver rolls at the target terrain, and all missile fire into or out of it, until the beginning of YOUR next turn. (This spell may NOT be multiplied.) A) See "Transmute Rock to Mud" (Earth:Gold) for the specifics of how this spell interacts with the other maneuver spells. Note that this spell affects the ROLL, not the RESULTS. B) For maneuvers, Wall of Fog affects a TERRAIN, NOT an individual army. It cannot be cast on reserve armies. It WILL affect YOUR army as well if it is stationed at a terrain which is affected by Wall of Fog. For missile actions, it is the LAST modifier to be used on the given result (see point F below). C) Multiple castings of this spell on the same terrain will have NO ADDED EFFECT, except to possibly increase the duration if multiple players cast the spell. D) This spell, like SOME other spells which affect maneuvers (see above), applies to maneuver rolls which will count as saves for Coral Elves in Coastland and Lava Elves in Highland. FIRST you halve maneuvers rolled, and THEN you apply the remainder to the saves which were rolled. E) This spell, like SOME other spells which affect maneuvers (see above), applies to maneuver rolls which will count as hits during a charge. FIRST you halve the maneuvers rolled, and THEN you apply the remainder to the hits which were rolled. F) Note that Wall of Fog affects both offense and defense at the target terrain. Not only are the results of a missile attack which originates from the terrain halved (and rounded DOWN), the results of any missile action which targets the terrain are halved as well (and rounded DOWN). G) When applying the penalty to missile fire, remember that it is the LAST modifier to be taken into account for the army which is taking the action. EXAMPLE: An army of Coral Elves are taking a missile action into a terrain which has a Wall of Fog cast on it. The terrain from which they are firing has 4 Ash Storms on it. The army rolls 13 hits. FIRST, you would subtract the 4 Ash Storms for a net result of 9. THEN you would halve the damage as it enters the target terrain for a final result of *4* hits. Likewise, if the Elves ALSO had a Wall of Fog cast on THEIR terrain, the following would happen: FIRST, you would subtract the 4 Ash Storms for a net result of 9. THEN you would halve the damage as it exits the originating terrain, for a net result of 4. FINALLY, you would halve the result AGAIN as it enters the target terrain for a final result of *2* hits. 4) Flash Flood (5 points): Reduce ANY target terrain die one step. Any army at the terrain can negate this effect by immediately rolling at least eight maneuver results. (This spell may not be multiplied.) A) Despite the spell's wording, the terrain die is only reduced if an army at the terrain do not generate enough maneuvers. EXAMPLE: An army occupying the Eighth Face has its terrain targeted by a Flash Flood. Its roll to negate the effect DOES have the benefit of double maneuvers due to the Eighth Face. B) Unlike Lightning Strike, you cannot cast this spell more than once at the same terrain during the same magic action. So there can be a maximum of ONE attempt to turn each terrain die per magic action. You MAY spend 10 magic points and try to move TWO terrain dice during the same action, 15 magic points and try to move THREE terrain dice, etc. C) All maneuver penalties and bonuses are in effect for the defensive roll(s). This is detailed above in Transmute Rock to Mud, Wind Walk and Wall of Fog. D) Just as any maneuver attempt, the attempts of armies at the target terrain to prevent the reduction of the terrain die are NOT cumulative. ONLY the army with the highest number of maneuvers rolled will count, and ONLY if it rolled eight or more maneuvers. These counter-attempts are ALWAYS optional. Terrain bonuses for dwarves and goblins are in effect, as normal. E) Flash Flood has NO effect if cast at a terrain die which is showing a 1 as its face. F) The effects of the successful reduction of a terrain die are immediate. If an opponent's army owned that die, it no longer owns it, and cannot make use of the eighth face icon, etc. 5) Summon Green Dragon (7 points): Send a green dragon to any terrain. A) See the rules for Gold Dragons *** DEATH: BLACK MAGIC 1) Reanimate Dead (2 points): Return a dead one-health unit to the casting army (Multiple castings affect multiple one-health units). A) Reanimate Dead DOES NOT APPLY to units which have been buried. Only units which are in the dead units area may be brought to life in this fashion. B) Reanimate Dead may ONLY be used to bring units from the CASTING player's dead unit area. It cannot target other players' units. C) Unlike Breath of Life and Spark of Life, when multiple Reanimate Dead spells are cast from the same magic action, they are NOT CUMULATIVE, and they CAN ONLY BE APPLIED TO SINGLE-POINT UNITS!!! The casting player counts the total number of Reanimate Dead points available and may resurrect that number of one-point dead units. This spell may NEVER be used to resurrect units greater than one-point units. D) Reanimate Dead CAN NOT be used to promote units. E) Units which are brought back to life with this spell MUST be added to the army from which the spell was cast. If the spell is cast from the reserve army, the dead units which were brought back to life immediately go to the reserve army. Note that they can then be moved to another army during the Reinforce action of the player's turn. F) Units which are brought back to like with this spell DO NOT count in the current roll and as such DO NOT immediately roll to include their results in the current roll. (Exception: units brought back to life via a Cantrip DO count in the current roll, and DO immediately roll to include their results in the current roll.) 2) Palsy (3 points): ANY target army suffers a penalty of -1 to ALL of its rolls until the beginning of YOUR next turn. A) Unlike Ash Storm, this spell affects an ARMY, not a terrain. Therefore, it can be cast at any army in the game, including reserve armies. B) Multiple castings of this spell are cumulative, whether they are cast simultaneously or at different times. If two different players cast this spell on the same army, the effect is cumulative during the overlap period. C) Note that Palsy affects the ROLL, not the RESULT. If an army of dwarves with 3 Palsies cast on them were rolling for maneuvers while in Highland, and they rolled 5 saves, FIRST the 3 Palsies would be subtracted, and THEN the 2 remaining saves would be doubled. D) Each Palsy subtracts one point from the army's roll. Against units of more than one health, the Palsy may remove only a portion of the unit's effect if it rolls its ID icon. E) If you are rolling an army and the result has multiple icons, YOU choose which form of result (melee, saves, etc.) icons are to be subtracted from the total roll. EXAMPLE: We'll take our dwarf army with 3 palsies at Highland. Assume they are being charged by an opponent, and make a roll. They roll 4 cantrips, 3 saves, 2 face icons and 4 axes (attacks). The player of these dwarves can now choose where the Palsies are to be applied, since they are subtracted from the ROLL as a whole. Note also that they are subtracted from the roll BEFORE any other modifiers take effect. So the player first would use his cantrips, but he/she CAN NOT choose to apply the 3 Palsies here, since they are special action icons. He/she can choose to subtract all 3 saves, inflicting maximum damage on the charging army. Or he/she can choose to remove melee results, etc. F) Routs CAN NOT be avoided through the use of Ash Storm or Palsy penalties. G) You can, however, choose the race of units from which to subtract the effect. EXAMPLE: When maneuvering in the Highland, a mixed army of Coral Elves and Dwarves is affected by 3 Palsies. The Coral Elf units roll 5 maneuver icons, and the Dwarf units roll 3 maneuver icons. You can choose to subtract the 3 Palsies from the Elf units, allowing you to double the Dwarf results, for a final result of *8*. 3) Finger of Death (4 points): Inflict one hit on a target unit. Target may not roll saves. A) Note that unlike Hailstorm, Finger of Death targets a single unit of the caster's choice, NOT an army. Also, the target unit gets NO possibility of saving, since there is no effect in the game which allows an individual unit to have automatic saves. Even if the unit is the only unit left in an army with several Stoneskins on it, those saves will NOT apply. B) When multiple Finger of Death spells are cast from the same magic action, they are CUMULATIVE, and ALL HIT SIMULTANEOUSLY. They may be applied to a single unit or multiple units. If applied to a single unit, the total damage must equal or exceed the unit's hit points to kill it. C) Finger of Death spells do NOT wound units. If cast by two different armies in the same turn, they will have two separate effects; you may not cast 1 Finger of Death at a three-point unit and then kill it with 2 Finger of Death spells cast from a different army. Neither spell would have any effect on that three-point unit. 4) Open Grave (6 points): Until the beginning of YOUR next turn, all units killed in ONE target army YOU control go to your reserves rather than to the dead unit area. (Multiple castings affect multiple armies.) A) Note that this spell targets one of YOUR armies. If you would normally kill units in your reserves (for example, Lightning Strikes or Finger of Death spells from an opponent) are IGNORED. 5) Summon Black Dragon (7 points): Send a black dragon to any terrain. A) See the rules for Gold Dragons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? Comments? Write to